RGADA (Rosiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Drevnikh Aktov – Russian State Archive of Old Acts, Moscow), Hold. 192, Reg. 1, file H-13: ‘General Map of Siberia, Collected from Atlas Russicus and Other Maps, Made in 1765. Copied by sergeant Peter Moiseev’.
Approximate size 180*100 sm. Seen in archive by 15 people from 1960s; copied in 2012. Borders of the mapped territory: from Ural mountains to the ‘Pacific Sea’ and from ‘Northern Ocean’ to the northern part of current China; map includes part of Kuril islands and the whole archipelago of Novaya Zemlya. Content of the map: administrative subdivisions (uezds – by coloured fields and boundaries), cities, rivers, lakes, mountains and hills, forests; Russian coat of arms and heraldic emblems of Siberian cities and fortresses are situated in the bottom left. Longitudes from Ferro meridian; all the map stretches from 81° to 121°. Scale is ‘100 versts in 1 inch’. Nine administrative subdivisions are in Old Siberia: Pelym, Verchoturye, Yekaterinburg, Turinsk, Tyumen and Tobolsk uezds, province of Iset, district of Yalutorovsk. Redoubts and fortresses of ‘New Ishim border line’. Fortresses of ‘Irtysh border line’. ‘Steppe of nomadic Kirgiskaisaks’. Thirteen uezds are in the rest of Siberia. Cities, slobodas and villages at well known (for descriptor) parts are situated pretty rough: regular mix ups of the river banks, some important settlements are absent, some small random points may appear on the map.
This electronic copy was made by Andrei Tyulpin in 2015.
Copy was ordered and now is published by Sergei Rasskasov, financed by Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
First publication of the part of this map: Omskoye priirtyshye i gorod Omsk na kartah, planah i chertezhah 17 – nachala 20 veka (Omsk Irtysh river region on maps, plans and chertyozhes in 17th – early 20th century). ‘Revival of Tobolsk’ Foundation, 2015. pp.220-223.
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